    吴小飞(Xiaofei Wu)






























    5.气候模式CAS FGOALS-f不同版本对高原青藏东坡降水的模拟技巧评估,中国科学院大气物理研究所科研合作项目,项目负责人,2022年4月完成。




    1.Wu, X., Gan, P., Li, J., Fang, F., Zou, X., Pain, C. C., ...andZhu, J. A long short-term memory neural network-based error estimator for three-dimensional dynamically adaptive mesh generation.Physics of Fluids,2023,35(10):106610.

    2.Wu, X., Abubakar-Waziri, H., Fang, F., Dilliway, C., Wu, P., Li, J., ... and Chung, K. F. Modeling for understanding of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) spread and design of an isolation room in a hospital.Physics of Fluids,2023, 35(2): 025111.

    3.孙艺搏,吴小飞. 2014年7月5日那曲一次对流降水数值模拟及组织过程分析.高原山地气象研究,2023,43(3): 11−20.

    4.Zeng, L., Bao, Q.,Wu, X., He, B., Yang, J., Wang, T., ... and Liu, Y. Impacts of humidity initialization on MJO prediction: A study in an operational sub-seasonal to seasonal system.Atmospheric Research,2023,294:106946.

    5.Zhang, G., Mao, J., Hua, W.,Wu, X., Sun, R., Yan, Z., ... and Wu, G. Synergistic effect of the planetary-scale disturbance, typhoon and meso-β-scale convective vortex on the extremely intense rainstorm on 20 July 2021 in Zhengzhou.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2023, 40(3): 428−446.

    6.Liu, A., Yang, J., Bao, Q., He, B.,Wu, X., Liu, J., ... & Fan, Y. Subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction of arctic sea ice Using a Fully Coupled dynamical ensemble forecast system.Atmospheric Research,2023, 295:107014.

    7.殷鑫,吴小飞.前冬印度洋海盆一致模对ENSO衰减期华南春季降水的影响高原山地气象研究,2022, 42(4): 49−59.

    8.Zheng, J.,Wu, X., Fang, F., Li, J., Pain, C., Wang, Z., H. Xiao, Zhu, J. and Linden P.,2021: Numerical study of COVID-19 spatial–temporal spreading in London.Physics of Fluids, 2021,33(4): 106610.

    9.Tang, C.,Wu, X., Zhang, G. and Mao, J. Potential vorticity analysis of quasi-biweekly rainfall events over the Yangtze Basin in summer 2014.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letter,2021, 14:100078.

    10.黄子立,吴小飞,毛江玉. CMIP6模式水平分辨率对模拟我国西南地区夏季极端降水的影响评估.高原气象.2021, 40(6): 1470−1483

    11.汤畅,吴小飞,毛江玉,张冠舜.2014年夏季长江流域降水季节内振荡的环流分析,高原山地气象研究2021, 41(2): 10−22.

    12.Li, J., Fang, F., Steppeler, J., Zhu, J., Cheng, Y., andWu, X.. Demonstration of a three-dimensional dynamically adaptive atmospheric dynamic framework for the simulation of mountain waves.Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,2021, 133: 1627−1645.

    13.Li, J., Bao, Q., Liu, Y., Wang, L., Yang, J., Wu, G.,Wu, X.... and Shen, Z. Effect of horizontal resolution on the simulation of tropical cyclones in the Chinese Academy of Sciences FGOALS-f3 climate system model.Geoscientific Model Development,2021, 14(10), 6113−6133.

    14.He, B., Liu, Y., Wu, G., Bao, Q., Zhou, T.,Wu, X., ... and Tang, Y. CAS FGOALS-f3-L model datasets for CMIP6 GMMIP Tier-1 and Tier-3 experiments.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2020, 37: 18−28.

    15.Bao, Q., Liu, Y., Ww, G., He, B., Li, J., Wang, L.,Wu, X.... &ZHANG, X., CAS FGOALS-f3-H and CAS FGOALS-f3-L outputs for the high-resolution model intercomparison project simulation of CMIP6.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters,2020, 13(6):576−581.

    16.Wu, X., and MaoJ. Decadal Changes in Interannual Dependence of the Bay of Bengal Summer Monsoon Onset on ENSO Modulated by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2019, 36(12):1404–1416.

    17.包庆,吴小飞,李矜霄,王磊,何编,王晓聪,刘屹岷,吴国雄. 2018–2019年秋冬季厄尔尼诺和印度洋偶极子的预测.科学通报,2019, 64 (1): 73–78.

    18.He, B., Bao, Q., Wang, X., Zhou, L.,Wu, X., Liu, Y., ... and Zhang, X. CAS FGOALS-f3-L model datasets for CMIP6 historical atmospheric model intercomparison project simulation.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2019, 36: 771−778.

    19.Wang, L., Bao, Q., Li, J., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Wu, G. andWu, X.Comparisons of the temperature and humidity profiles of reanalysis products with shipboard GPS sounding measurements obtained during the 2018 Eastern Indian Ocean Open Cruise.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters,2019,12(3): 177−183.

    20.Ren, H., Wu, Y., Bao, Q., Ma, J., Liu, C., Wan, J., Li, Q.,Wu, X….and Fu, J.X., 2019. The China multi-model ensemble prediction system and its application to flood-season prediction in 2018.Journal of Meteorological Research,2019, 33(3):540−552.

    21.Wu. X,and Mao J. Spatial and interannual variations of spring rainfall over eastern China in association with PDO–ENSO events.Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2018, 134(3–4): 935–953.

    22.Wu, X.,and Mao J. Interdecadal variability of early summer monsoon rainfall over South China in association with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.International Journal of Climatology,2017, 37: 706−721.

    23.Wu, X.,and Mao, J. 2016: Interdecadal modulation of ENSO-related spring rainfall over South China by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.Climate Dynamics,2016, 47:3203–3220.



