    杨显玉(Xianyu Yang)


    杨显玉,男,副教授,研究生学历,博士学位。2017年1月毕业于中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,获气象学专业博士学位,现为永利皇宫8858官网研究生导师。海外经历:2010.01-2012.12,获加州大学环境系统硕士学位;2012.12-2013.08,加州大学,讲师职位。2022.08-2024.11,德国科隆大学,博士后。是Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,Remote Sensing,Environmental Science&Technology,Atmospheric Research,Scientific Reports,Environmental Pollution以及《高原气象》《中国环境科学》《大气科学》等国内外期刊的审稿专家。现任《高原气象》青年编委。
















    [1] Fine particulate matter pollution in the Sichuan Basin of China from 2013 to 2020 Sources, emissions, and mortality burden,[J]Environment International, 2025(第一作者)

    [2]Large-eddy-model closure and simulation of turbulent flux patterns over oasis surface,[J] Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2024(通讯作者)

    [3]Large Eddy Simulation of Vertical Structure and Size Density of Deep Layer Clouds,[J]Advances In Atmospheric Sciences, 2024(通讯作者)

    [4]Diurnal Cycles of Cloud Properties and Precipitation Patterns over the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau During Summer.[J] Remote Sensing,2024.(通讯作者)

    [5]Estimation of biogenic VOC emissions and their corresponding impact on ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation in China. [J] Atmospheric Research, 2020(ESI高被引论文本校本科生为第一作者,本人通讯作者)

    [6]Interannual variability of atmospheric ammonia over the Sichuan Basin, southwestern China: Trend, sources, and implications on particle matter control.[J] Atmospheric Research, 2024(第一作者)

    [7]The Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Water and Heat Exchanges over the Alpine Wetland in the East of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. [J]Advances In Atmospheric Sciences, 2023(通讯作者)

    [8]Diurnal Variation in Cloud and Precipitation Characteristics in Summer over the Tibetan Plateau and Sichuan Basin.[J] Remote Sensing,2022.(通讯作者)

    [9]Long-term trends of ozone and precursors from 2013 to 2020 in a megacity (Chengdu), China: Evidence of changing emissions and chemistry.[J] Atmospheric Research, 2022(通讯作者))

    [10]Driversof 2013-2020 ozone trends in the Sichuan Basin, China: Impacts of meteorology and precursor emission changes,[J] Environmental Pollution,2022(通讯作者)

    [11]Origin of regional springtime ozone episodes in the Sichuan Basin, China: role of synoptic forcing and regional transport. [J] Environmental Pollution, 2021(通讯作者)

    [12]Summertime ozone pollution in Sichuan Basin, China: Meteorological conditions, sources and process analysis. [J] Atmospheric Environment, 2020(第一作者)

    [13] Formation and Evolution Mechanisms of Severe Haze Pollution in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. [J] Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2020(第一作者)

    [14] Characteristics and future projections of summer extreme precipitation in Sichuan Province, China. [J] Journal of Mountain Science, 2020(第一作者)

    [15] Three-Dimensional Structural Anomalies of the Western Pacific Subtropical High Ridge and Its Relationship with Precipitation in China during August–September 2021.[J] Atmosphere 2022(通讯作者)

    [16]古珊,杨显玉*,吕世华,等.基于OMI数据的四川盆地对流层甲醛时空分布特征[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(9): 2860-2872.(本校本科生为第一作者)

    [17]陈智海,杨显玉*,古珊,等.基于OMI数据研究中国对流层甲醛时空分布特征及变化趋势[J]环境科学学报,2019,39(9): 2852-2859.(本校本科生为第一作者)

    [18]杨显玉,文军,牛广山,等.西北地区的快速更新循环同化预报系统性能检验和评估[J]高原气象, 2020,39(1):90-101.


    [20]杨显玉,吕雅琼,文军,等.不同参数化方案和再分析资料在典型高原湖泊地区的适用效果评估分析[J]高原气象, 2020,39(6):1195-1206.




    [24]杨显玉,邵平等.四川盆地大气氨与氮氧化物排放对细颗粒物污染的影响及减排潜力,[J]中国环境科学2022,42(8): 3502-3511





