    陈活泼(Huopuo Chen)




























    1.Chen, H. P.*, H. J. Wang, J. Q. Sun, Y. Y. Xu, and Z. C. Yin, 2019: Anthropogenic fine particulate matter pollution will be exacerbated in eastern China due to 21st century GHG warming.Atmospheric and Chemistry Physics,19, 233-243.

    2.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2019: Increased population exposure to extreme droughts in China due to 0.5oC of additional warming.Environmental Research Letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab072e.

    3. Liu, Y.,H. P. Chen*, H. J. Wang, J. Q. Sun, H. Li, and Y. B. Qiu, 2019: Modulation of the Kara sea ice variation on the ice freeze-up time in Lake Qinghai.Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0636.1.

    4.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2018: Projected changes in climate extremes in China in a 1.5oC warmer world.International Journal of Climatology,38, 3607-3617.

    5. Li, H. X.,H. P. Chen*, H. J. Wang, J. Q. Sun, and J. H. Ma, 2018: Can Barents sea ice decline in Spring enhance summer hot drought events over Northeastern China?.Journal of Climate,31, 4705-4725.

    6. Liu, Y.,H. P. Chen*, H. J. Wang, and Y. B. Qiu, 2018: The impact of the NAO on the delayed break-up date of lake ice over the southern Tibetan Plateau.Journal of Climate,31, 9073-9086.

    7. Li, H. X.,H. P. Chen*, H. J. Wang, and E. T. Yu, 2018: Future precipitation changes over China under 1.5oC and 2.0oC global warming targets by using CORDEX regional climate models.Science of the Total Environment,640-641, 543-554.

    8.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2017: Characterizing present and future drought changes over eastern China.International Journal of Climatology,37, 138-156.

    9.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2017: Anthropogenic warming has caused hot droughts more frequently in China.Journal of Hydrology,544, 306-318.

    10.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2017: Contribution of human influence to increased daily precipitation extremes over China.Geophysical Research Letters,44, 2436-2444.

    11. Li, H. X.,H. P. Chen*, and H. J. Wang, 2017: Effects of anthropogenic activity emerging as intensified extreme precipitation over China.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,122, doi:10.1002/2016JD026251.

    12. Li, H. X.,H. P. Chen*, and H. J. Wang, 2016: Changes in clustered extreme precipitation events in South China and associated atmospheric circulations.International Journal of Climatology,36, 3226-3236.

    13.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2015: Changes in climate extreme events in China associated with warming.International Journal of Climatology,35, 2735-2751.

    14.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2015: Assessing model performance of climate extremes in China: an intercomparison between CMIP5 and CMIP3.Climatic Change,129, 197-211.

    15.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2015: Changes in drought characteristics over China using the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index.Journal of Climate,28, 5430-5447.

    16.Chen, H. P.*, and H. J. Wang, 2015: Haze days in North China and the associated atmospheric circulations based on daily visibility data from 1960 to 2012.Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres,120, 5895-5909.

    17.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2014: Projection and uncertainty analysis of global precipitation-related extremes using CMIP5 models.International Journal of Climatology,34, 2730-2748.

    18.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2013: Projected change in East Asian summer monsoon precipitation under RCP scenario.Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,121, 55-77.

    19.Chen, H. P.*,2013: Projected change in extreme rainfall events in China at the end of 21st century using CMIP5 models.Chinese Science Bulletin,58(12), 1462-1472.

    20.Chen, H. P.*,J. Q. Sun, X. L. Chen, and W. Zhou, 2012: CGCM projections of heavy rainfall events in China.International Journal of Climatology,32, 441-450.

    21.Chen, H. P.*, J. Q. Sun, and H. J. Wang, 2012: A Statistical Downscaling Model for Forecasting Summer Rainfall in China from DEMETER Hindcast Datasets.Weather and Forecasting,27, 608-628.

    22.Chen, H. P., J. Q. Sun*, and K. Fan, 2012: Decadal features of heavy rainfall events in eastern China.Acta Meteorologica Sinica,26(3), 289-303.


    24.Chen, H. P.*, and J. Q. Sun, 2009: How the "best" models project the future precipitation change in China.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,26(4), 773-782.
